* Words and heart


Where words fail, action speaks. Where action fails, eyes speak. Where eyes fail, tears speak. And where everything fails, LOVE SPEAKS!

* Speak less to people whom u love most

* I still love you and I probably will

I only have two words for you: I’m done.

After everything I’ve done for you, every chance that I gave you,

and yet you still break my heart. But it’s over now.

Finally I’ve realized that I don’t deserve this and honestly,

you don’t deserve me.

Yeah I still love you and I probably will for a long time,

but I can’t stay here anymore. It hurts too much.

I guess this is moving on.

* My care and anger

My Care Will Be

In The Heart,


Not In Words..

My Anger Will Be

In Words,


Not In The Heart !!

* Nice words written by a boy who lost his love in Tsunami

“Sea, I’ll never forgive u in my life even if ur waves touch my feet a Million times!!!!”

* Let him/her understand your silence


Speak less to people whom u love most..
Because if they cant understand ur silence..
They can never understand your words..

* I miss u a lot

“Silence speaks a lot, but some times words cannot… so dont be sad when i dont call or msg u… bcoz my silence says that… i miss u a lot…”