* Speak less to people whom u love most

* Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles

* Eyes, Lips and Love

* Excellent Thought –

* truly love u!

Wen lots of people start to love u & u may get confused whom to love, Just tell them I HATE U!
Everyone will get back but not d person who truly loves u!! 🙂

* Only few people can

Only a few people can feel the rain,others just get wet,


Only a few Lovers can feel the pain of depart,others just find another

* Peoples hate / loves me because…

I know lots of people hate me

because i am 2 bad


few people surely love me

because they know that

my little goodness is not fake.

* Let him/her understand your silence


Speak less to people whom u love most..
Because if they cant understand ur silence..
They can never understand your words..

* Time to love or hate

“I dont have time 2 hate people who hate me..


I’m too busy in loving people who love me!”

* Reality beautiful than dreams

Do u know why people say that u don’t feel sleepy when u r in love???

Coz for d 1st time, u find reality more beautiful than ur dreams.. 🙂