* My smile is incomplete

* say I live for U

* A heart which wanna see you smile

* melted in each others arms..

If I were to describe True love, then I’d describe it as Wat a Snowman did to a Snowwoman..
He gave her a Warm Hug & they both melted in each others arms..

* I would cry forever to get your love


A boy found a tear in his gf’s eyes, so he huged her.
Still grl continued 2 cry, boy asked – y . ?
grl – if 4 evry tear i get a hug frm u, den i wud cry 4evr..!

* Cutest proposal


Cutest proposal ever by a boy of 5th std-
Boy- Do u hug ur teddy bear while sleeping at night??
Gal- Yes!
Boy- Can I replace it for d rest of ur life?? 😉

* You can listen to my heart


Girl:I hate d fact that u r taller than me

Boy: trust me there is an advantage in it

Gal: wat?

Boy: When i hug u,

U can listen to my heart which beats only 4 u

* Love is always sweet

 Boy & Girl were playing Hide & Seek..

While playing, Gal sends Boy a msg- “If u find me, u can hug me! If u cant, i’ll keep hiding in d Shed!!!”

Love is always sweet 🙂

* A hug delights, Warms & Charms..

U can’t wrap love in a box,
But u can wrap a person in a hug..
A hug delights, Warms & Charms..
that y God gave us arms..