* love is something no one can hate

* Love is the source of endless happiness

Let love fill your heart instead of hate.

When hate is in your heart,

there’s room for nothing else,

but when love is in your heart,

there’s room for endless happiness.

* truly love u!

Wen lots of people start to love u & u may get confused whom to love, Just tell them I HATE U!
Everyone will get back but not d person who truly loves u!! 🙂

* You can listen to my heart


Girl:I hate d fact that u r taller than me

Boy: trust me there is an advantage in it

Gal: wat?

Boy: When i hug u,

U can listen to my heart which beats only 4 u

* Peoples hate / loves me because…

I know lots of people hate me

because i am 2 bad


few people surely love me

because they know that

my little goodness is not fake.

* Time to love or hate

“I dont have time 2 hate people who hate me..


I’m too busy in loving people who love me!”

* When you love you get hurt

When you love
you get hurt.
When you get hurt
you hate.
When you hate
you try to forget.
When you try to forget
you start missing.
When you start missing
you fall in love again..!