* Have a heart without you

* You will be loved forever

* Love is the reason to smile everymoment

When U feel the love, U will get the reason to smile on every single moment u have…… even when u have tears in ur eyes.

* truly love u!

Wen lots of people start to love u & u may get confused whom to love, Just tell them I HATE U!
Everyone will get back but not d person who truly loves u!! 🙂

* Happy Valentine Day!


Even though

We dont get to be with each other

As much as we’d like‚¦

I wanted to let you know

In the morning‚¦ in the night‚¦

U are on my mind‚¦ 24 x 7

Happy Valentine Day!

* The worst thing in life is ATTACHMENT!

The worst thing in life is ATTACHMENT!
It hurts wen u lose it..
D best thing in life is LONELINESS!
Coz it teaches u everything & wen u lose it, u get everything!!

* Only few people can

Only a few people can feel the rain,others just get wet,


Only a few Lovers can feel the pain of depart,others just find another