* You’ll always know that you’ve been loved

* Falling in love with you was completely out of my control

* you’re meant to be together

Love is when you find someone you can really be yourself with.

That you can share anything with, like a best friend.
It’s when you can’t even imagine what your life would be like without that person.
When words don’t even come close to how you really feel,
and even though it doesn’t make sense to other people,
you know you’re meant to be together.



Thr was a guy who was tired of reading his gf’s msgs which always contained i luv u, i miss

u or hav u taken ur meal?
One nt, while lying in bed he rcvd a msg bt dint bother to read, insted he went to sleep.
Nxt day, he got a call 4m his gf’s mom dat her daughter was raped & killd last nt, He den

read d msg in wch was written “Honey plz cum & hlp. sum1’s following me”
Nvr hurt ne1 who really luvs u!