* Love is how you hold on

* I wont forget you

* Love is like playing the piano – VALENTINE’S DAY

* Medicine to forget love

True love comes only 1 time with 1 person.

If it comes for the second time,
it is just a medicine to forget the first love…!!! 🙂

* Forget Life lived before

True Lines:-

We can forget the life which we lived before,
But it is very painful to forget the life
which we were dreaming to live.! 😦

* Famous Love sms quote


Loving is not how u forget but how u forgive,
not how u listen but how u understand,
not what u see but how u feel & not how u let go but how u hold on.

* When you love you get hurt

When you love
you get hurt.
When you get hurt
you hate.
When you hate
you try to forget.
When you try to forget
you start missing.
When you start missing
you fall in love again..!